How To Save Money On Coffee

How To Save Money On Coffee

Posted 2013-02-22 by Joyfollow
Coffee is an integral part of our modern life. Everything appears to have come to a standstill when you forget the first coffee of the day. But have you ever wondered how one, two or three cups of coffee a day could be burning a hole in your pocket?

One of my friends, an ardent coffee-lover, once did a calculation demonstrating that if she consumed one cup of coffee a day over a period of one year then she could be spending approximately $1,000 a year on coffee. Now $1,000 a year may not seem a lot to many people but over a period of 10 years and applying the principle of compound interest, you could be spending more than $1,000 a year in the long run.

Then what to do? How to still enjoy a delightful cup of coffee and still save money? Below you will find a list of tips and tricks that can have dramatic impact on your coffee spending.

1. Bring your own

The most obvious and simple solution to cut back on your expenses on coffee is to bring your own coffee to work. A jar of coffee carrying popular brand names can cost anywhere between $5-$15, depending on the quality and quantity. ALDI offers even cheaper options. A jar of coffee can easily last you weeks. Buying coffee in jars not only reduces your coffee bills significantly but also enables you to have as much coffee as you want.

2. 7 Eleven

If you wish to have something slightly more professional than home-brewed coffee, 7 Eleven can be an ideal choice. 7 Eleven sells coffee for only $1. You can choose from around 6 different varieties and can grab a generous serve of coffee with or without milk and sugar. With the added benefit of 7 Eleven being open round the clock you can now have a nice cup of coffee anytime, for only $1!

3. Take advantage of special offers and loyalty programs

Some coffee shops like Coffee Club have loyalty programs which allow you to get 2 for 1 deals or a free coffee after you have bought 4 or 5 coffees. These programs can be excellent means to score some free coffee and also reduce your expenses on coffee.

Further, some coffee shops sell coffee at discounted prices between certain hours like between 3pm and 4pm, something akin to happy hours. These options allow you to procure coffee at a reduced price.

4. Curb your cravings

Last but not least, trying to curb your coffee cravings can go a long way in decreasing your annual coffee bill. You do not have to completely give up proper, barista-made delicious coffee, just consume it in smaller proportions. One less coffee a day could potentially save you approximately $1,000 a year!

234798 - 2023-07-17 23:51:57


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