Best Ways to Save Money on Heating Bills

Best Ways to Save Money on Heating Bills

Posted 2013-06-25 by Joyfollow

Winter is upon us. The biting, cold winds, the thick fog and the freezing rain have overtly and covertly made it known that we are having one of the coldest winters of all time in Melbourne. Needless to say that freezing weather has many adverse effects including increased levels of cold and flu like illnesses and sky-rocketing heating bills. Illnesses may be beyond our control but we can definitely work towards culling our heating bills. Here is how.

1. Opt for gas heating – An obvious yet highly effective tip is opting for gas heaters rather than electric heaters. Gas is substantially cheaper than electricity. We have halved our heating bills after replacing our electric heater with gas heater.

Gas heater

2. Invest in thermal curtains – Invest in some thermal curtains which will not only enhance the insulation of your house but will also add to the décor. Thermal curtains will lock in the heat in the house, ensuring that your home stays warmer longer and better. You can obtain cheap thermal curtains from reject shops and Kmart.

3. Repair pipes and ducted air leaks – Give your water heater and pipes a winter gift, by getting them checked and/or repaired as required. If the pipes are in good working condition, the water they carry won’t lose much heat and you will able to reduce your heating costs. It may cost you a bit of money to repair these things but in the long run you will enjoy a huge cut in your heating bills. Similarly, ensure that your ducted heating system is not poorly connected or un-insulated.

4. Shut unused rooms – While heating up the house, close the doors of unused rooms. Since you will not need to heat up all the rooms you will benefit from a reduced heating bill.

Gloomy winter

5. Shop around for service provider – Shop around for a good energy provider and for a better deal. Ask friends and colleagues, do online research, compare prices and reputation and select the most competitive company. It is important to bear in mind that cheap does not necessarily equate to good.

Shopping around is a great way to find excellent deals as well special offers like 10,000 Flybuys points or gift cards for new customers. However, it is imperative to remember that you should only register with a service provider if you like their policies and prices. The special offers are nothing but the icing on the cake and should not be the determinative factor in your decision-making. This website is a good start for comparing energy providers.

Victorian Governments Your Choice website

Victorian Governments Your Choice website



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