Money Saving Tips for Dummies Part 3
Image by ayes via Wikimedia Commons
Find below another list of money saving tips which can be adopted anywhere by anyone.
1. Take children to the park instead of the mall for a family, fun time. Further, free play in the greeneries will enhance their fine motor skill and communication skill as well as encourage within them an appreciation for nature.
Image by Robja via Wikimedia Commons
2. If you have a mobile phone, then consider getting rid of your landline.
3. Sell your house privately instead of resorting to the assistance of a real estate agency.
4. Sign up for various loyalty cards and take advantage of significant savings while shopping. Usually these memberships are completely free of charge.
5. Grace the red carpet of new restaurants to benefit from specials and discounted food as part of new promotions. You will also be able to savour something new and different.
6. While acquiring white goods and furniture or any other big purchases, always try to haggle for discounts. More often than not, you will be successful in bagging delightful discounts.
Image by Maksim via Wikimedia Commons
7. If you require a tool for a task, avoid purchasing it and try borrowing it from family, friends and neighbours. There is no need to buy a tool which may only be used very rarely.
8. Keep all your receipts in a folder to ensure accurate and complete claims for all eligible deductions in your tax returns.
9. Direct any second or third source of income as well as any windfall gains to a high interest earning account.
10. Check your car tyre air pressure on a regular basis. Low pressure can have a negative impact on fuel consumption.
Image by SuperTank17 via Wikimedia Commons
11. Book hotels and flights in advance to enjoy lower rates and better selections of available options.
12. Limit your trips to malls. What do you do not see cannot tempt you. Or at least that is the theory.
13. Ensure your freezer is full since empty freezer requires more energy to keep cold.
14. When eating out veer away from dessert. Satiate your cravings for something sweet by procuring some sweet dish or items from the supermarkets on your way home.
Image by Marianne Casamance via Wikimedia Commons
234837 - 2023-07-17 23:53:39