4 Tips To Save Money On Internet Bills

4 Tips To Save Money On Internet Bills

Posted 2013-03-04 by Joyfollow

Advance in technology has also advanced our love affair with internet. Romance with internet has blossomed to the extent that life appears unsustainable without keeping in regular touch with the world wide web. But internet bills are not cheap and can leave gaping holes in our monthly and yearly budgets. Here are some useful tips and tricks in aiding you in harnessing your internet bill.

1. Firstly, assess and ascertain your internet usage. If you are not a heavy user of internet and only require it for checking emails and browsing websites then you could consider registering yourself with the local public library to access free internet. You can easily have access to internet of up to one hour on every visit and can browse internet and use your emails. Local libraries are usually open from 9am to 9pm, hours vary from suburb to suburb. Public libraries can slash your digital entertainment bill to nil.

2. When subscribing for internet, shop around and try to find the most suitable internet provider with the most superior internet plan. I recently switched my internet provider and during the switching process found that prices vary quite dramatically across various internet providers. Depending on your usage level, 500 GB or unlimited internet may only be a redundant luxury with a hefty price tag that you could swap for a smaller plan and therefore, foot a smaller internet bill. You can also vary your monthly plans by choosing between different bandwidths, quota and additional facilities.

3. The key to slashing your internet bill is being savvy about your internet usage. If you like to watch TV shows and videos online, you can reduce your internet usage by opting for legal means of watching these things offline. Pay a visit to your local library and you will be surprised by the number of CDs and DVDs on movies, music and TV shows you can find there for free. Confer with family, friends and colleagues to seek out old and latest CDs and DVDs on all sorts of things.

4. Consider scaling back while weighing up means of reducing internet bill. Cancelling extras on your internet bill can do wonders for you. If you are paying extra for HD programming, a DVR or a tier of premium channels, choosing to go for only basic internet can halve your internet bill.

234807 - 2023-07-17 23:52:20


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